Acronis Cloud Backup
Ransomware and NAS: a risk that is not considered
Despite some seasonal declines, ransomware is still a serious security threat, especially for those who underestimate it . It is often thought that to protect yourself from ransomware it is enough to have a backup copy of your data. This point of view does not take into consideration various aspects. One of them is the relationship between ransomware and NAS…

Double extortion ransomware: What they are and how to defend yourself
Looking to up the ante and earn more money with the ransomware , i Cybercriminals are increasingly using a tactic known as double extortion ransomware . Not only do they encrypt data and demand a ransom from the victim to regain access. They also threaten to upload them online if their conditions are not met. Let’s take a step back,…

The most dangerous Ransomware in 2020
The ransomware (or cyber extortion) threat is on the rise. In 2020, there was a spike in the number of reported incidents and the number of hackers attempting to extort money from organizations. It is important that every organization does all it can to combat these criminals and being informed is a key element. In this article we see the…

Acronis Active Protection: defense against ransomware
Acronis Active Protection is an advanced anti-ransomware technology. It actively protects all the data on your systems: documents, data of all kinds and Acronis backup files. It is a technology available for Windows and Mac OS X operating systems and protects against the latest ransomware actions such as Petya, WannaCry, Locky and Osiris. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a particularly…

Corporate backup solutions Self-protection tests
Introduction Corporate backup solutions: In light of the growing number of ransomware attacks in which cryptolockers stop database processes to unlock database files for encryption (Cerber, GlobeImposter, Rapid, Serpent) and they can encrypt local and network backups to request a ransom payment (Rapid, Spora), we decided to test the self-protection capabilities of the best backup solutions used in the corporate…

[Name change] Acronis Data Cloud –> Acronis Cyber Cloud
As you know, Acronis Data Cloud will receive a host of essential new enhancements (like backup for G Suite and cryptomining protection) and be renamed Acronis Cyber Cloud in just a few weeks. Acronis Cyber Cloud: distinguishes our data protection solution because it speaks to the customer’s weaknesses. ♦ Offering next-gen data protection – cyber protection – meets…
Modern Data Protection: The Difference is in the Cloud
Modern Data Protection How to Completely Safeguard Businesses – with Ease Simplify is often a valuable mantra of success. Yet in a complex and ever-evolving IT environment, it isn’t necessarily the go-to approach for service providers. In the case of data protection, simplification may not only seem unlikely, but potentially unwise. Fortunately, certain innovative cloud technologies now make it simple…

Subscription business model – Basics
subscription Subscription is a convenient way to receive updates, products or services on a regular and ongoing basis. This business model has stood the test of time. Over the years, satisfied customers have used regular services by subscribing news, magazines, CDs, wine and even opera tickets. And then the cloud arrived. The cloud has made IT complex easy and cheap,…

New Acronis Cloud Backup model for end users and new reseller plan
New Acronis Cloud Backup model for end users and new reseller plan Our Acronis Cloud Backup service is renewed with two distinct subscription types for end users and retailers / system integrators. With the former, it is possible to meet the needs of small and medium businesses that need to have a professional solution for managing their local and…

A Hybrid Cloud Backup Solution for System Integrator and reseller
ACRONIS CLOUD BACKUP SYSTEM INTEGRATOR Thousands of system integrator — from small to large — succeed by selling an award- winning backup-as-a-service solution that supports more than 20 platforms. Acronis Cloud Backup protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realise incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. PROTECT ANY WORKLOAD, BACKUP TO ANY STORAGE…

Stay in control of your fast-moving, quick-shifting data
At the breakneck speed of business, it can be easy to lose control of your data as it races between your physical and virtual servers, PCs and mobile devices, and private and public clouds. And as every racing fan knows, speed is paramount, but speed without control can be disastrous. [btnsx id=”5010″] With better control, you can more safely manage…
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes L'impatto crescente delle minacce informatiche, su sistemi operativi privati op…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The growing impact of cyber threats, on private or corporate operating systems…
Tempo di lettura stimato: 6 minuti Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Il tema della sicurezza delle informazioni è di grande attualità in questo peri…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The issue of information security is very topical in this historical period ch…
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