ICT Monitoring

Monitoring system, an overview
Zabbix is a monitoring system suitable for different IT components, including networks, servers, virtual machines (VMs) and cloud services. Zabbix provides metrics such as network usage, CPU load, and disk space consumption. The software monitors operations on Linux, Hewlett Packard Unix (HP-UX), Mac OS X, Solaris, and other operating systems (OS);however, Windows monitoring is only possible through specific agents. SOD…

Zabbix: Web console for monitoring
An indispensable tool for keeping complex infrastructure controlled is a monitoring system. Secure Online Desktop (SOD) Web Console does just that: it offers the tools to control a network of machines and devices to verify its efficiency. Web Console is based on Zabbix, a scalable Open Source platform with huge capabilities. Among the advantages of the SOD Web Console, there…

IT monitoring system – Operation
Once you set up an IT development and management environment, it can be difficult to keep everything under control. IT monitoring systems come in handy, specifically designed to keep the entire system monitored. The monitoring system of an ICT infrastructure allows you to report any anomalies that may occur within the components of the IT network. In this world, it…

How to have your computer network under control
monitoring In recent years we have witnessed a rapid evolution of information infrastructures that have become increasingly complex and heterogeneous. The introduction of virtualization, thanks to the economic savings and its simplicity, has encouraged the increase in the number of servers divided then by functions and roles. Technologies like the Cloud have allowed to extend the company boundaries, just think…
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