
9 reasons why you should consider using a VPN
Agile working and smart working are now a daily reality for many workers. Whether it is a practice within your company or an occasional event, almost everyone has to use public networks to work or surf the net. In this social situation, you cannot take the protection of your data on the net lightly. This is why the ‘ use…

Il GDPR e Acronis Cloud Backup
Tempo di lettura: 8 min Che cos’e’ il regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (GDPR) dell’Unione Europea (UE)? ♦ Il GDPR è un nuovo regolamento UE che non riguarda solo le aziende con sede nell’Unione Europea! ♦ Il GDPR riguarda i dati personali e in generale prevede norme più severe di gran parte delle altre leggi a tutela della privacy…

Introducing a set of new GDPR tools
GDPR tools GDPR, the European Union regulation aimed at strengthening and unifying data protection for all individuals within the European Union comes into force on 25th May. The regulation brings a huge change to European data security, but it also impacts many non-EU based business as well. If you’d like to find out more about GDPR you can read our…

Privacy To date, issues related to privacy and personal data protection are felt more than ever, just think of the scandal Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, it is no coincidence that the Privacy Guarantor and the European Union have introduced the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 April 27, 2016 (GDPR) which provides a series of guidelines that companies in the European community must…

Almost ready for the GDPR
regulation-2016-679-of-27-april-2016 The 2016-679 regulation of 27 April 2016 will apply in all Member States from 25 May 2018, within which the companies will have to comply with the new Privacy Act. As activities related to privacy advice and specifically in relation to the minimum security measures that must be prepared following the Gap Analysis and Privacy Assessment, the Secure Online…

GDPR: what’s new and what’s old
GDPR 2018: che cosa c’è di nuovo e cosa c’è di vecchio. Nel mio lavoro di professionista della privacy ho avuto a che fare con aziende e pubbliche amministrazioni

New European regulation (GDPR)
New European regulation GDPR 2018 Link utili New privacy regulation Genaral Data Protection Regulation General Data Protection Regulation: what’s new and what’s old Privacy
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes L'impatto crescente delle minacce informatiche, su sistemi operativi privati op…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The growing impact of cyber threats, on private or corporate operating systems…
Tempo di lettura stimato: 6 minuti Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Il tema della sicurezza delle informazioni è di grande attualità in questo peri…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The issue of information security is very topical in this historical period ch…
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