Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)

Mercedes’ Oversight Puts Company Secrets at Risk: Why Cyber Threat Intelligence is Critical
Mercedes-Benz recently suffered a major cybersecurity incident after an employee inadvertently posted an enterprise authentication token on GitHub. This oversight potentially allowed unauthorized access to Mercedes-Benz’s source code, projects, design documents, and other sensitive information. The incident was discovered by the security firm RedHunt Labs during a routine monitoring activity. The token, posted on GitHub in September 2022, could have…
Coordination between CTI and SOC: how to further raise the defenses
The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and a Security Operations Center (SOC) are two important parts in a company’s security process. They help identify and mitigate the risks involved in the digital world. CTI is a proactive measure that helps identify potential threats, while SOC is a reactive measure that helps detect and mitigate an attack. Together, CTI and SOC are…
CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence): how does it work?
Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is an aspect that must always be taken into consideration to prevent data from being stolen in any way. Network problems When you have a presence connected to the network, especially if it contains sensitive data, the potential threats to which you are exposed are manifold. The…

What is really a cyber threat
Cyberattacks are numerous and do not distinguish between companies and individuals when targeting a target. You’ve most likely heard the term “cyber threat” in the media before, but what exactly are we talking about? Other ways you may have heard this are “cyberthreat”, “cyberattack” or similar. What is a Cyber Threat? Today the term “cyber threat” is used predominantly in…

The importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence
L’importanza della cyber threat intelligence è evidente quando si capisce che cosa sia e quali rischi un’azienda corre se la trascura.

Magecart attack: what it is and how to protect yourself
Every day we hear about some new technology threats or vulnerabilities. Lately we talk about the data collection attack known as “Magecart”. Let’s try to understand what it is and how we can do to defend ourselves. Magecart is a large group of hackers as well as a typical attack that mainly targets online shopping carts. This type of attack…
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes L'impatto crescente delle minacce informatiche, su sistemi operativi privati op…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The growing impact of cyber threats, on private or corporate operating systems…
Tempo di lettura stimato: 6 minuti Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Il tema della sicurezza delle informazioni è di grande attualità in questo peri…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The issue of information security is very topical in this historical period ch…
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