Ethical Phishing

Quishing: the dangerous hybrid between phishing and QR code
Introduction The advent of digital technology has brought with it numerous opportunities, but also new threats to cybersecurity. Among these threats, phishing has gained notoriety as one of the most popular methods to obtain sensitive information from users. However, an evolution of this threat has emerged recently, called “quishing”. In this article, we will explore the concept of quishing in…

What is Vishing and how does it work
Vishing is a particular type of phishing that uses VoIP (Voice over IP) technology to carry out attacks. Unlike traditional landline telephone services, with VoIP technology it is possible to carry out telephone conversations using the Internet connection. Hackers often use VoIP in their vishing attacks because this allows them to spoof their caller ID with great ease. Posing as…

Ethical Phishing: the key to protecting your business from cyber threats
Index Introduction In the digital age, cyber security has become a priority for all businesses. One of the most insidious threats is phishing, a social engineering technique used to steal sensitive information by sending fraudulent emails. To combat this threat, it is imperative that companies implement effective security measures, including Ethical Phishing campaigns. In this article, we’ll explore why every…

Smishing: a fraud similar to phishing
Il cybercrimine, sta mirando sempre più ai dispositivi mobili ed è sempre in continua evoluzione. Sui social network e tramite i nostri contatti personali riceviamo sempre più spesso tentativi di truffe mascherati da semplici inviti. Dai rapporti e dai comunicati della polizia postale possiamo notare come negli ultimi anni stiano aumentando i casi di Smishing, che ogni anno causano consistenti…

The latest PDF phishing trends of 2020
There was a dramatic 1160% increase in malicious PDF files in 2019-2020. It went from 411,800 malicious files to 5,224,056. PDF files are an enticing vector of phishing as they are cross-platform and allow attackers to engage more users, making their scam schemes more credible than a text email with a simple link. To lure users to click on links…

Examples of phishing: the latest campaigns mentioned by the CSIRT
Successful phishing attacks are increasing rapidly and so is the variety of forms they come in. Today I want to bring a couple of examples of phishing reported in the last period on the Italian territory by the CSIRT ( Computer Security Incident Response Team ). Millions of users around the world are put at risk every day, statistically, one…

Business email compromise (BEC) schemes
Negli anni, i truffatori hanno rubato milioni di dollari alle imprese compromettendo i loro account di posta ufficiali utilizzandoli per richiedere bonifici fraudolenti. Tecnicamente questi schemi, che sono a tutti gli effetti delle truffe, si chiamano Business Email Compromise. C’è stato un aumento delle intrusioni informatiche legate agli schemi di Business Email Compromise, che coinvolgono truffatori che si spacciano per…

Spammer techniques: how do they exploit e-mail?
Spam seems to reach every single email account we use , no matter how careful we are or what the address provider is. How do spammers get all of our email addresses? Can we do something to hide our email address from common spammer techniques? Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to stop spammers from bombarding you with emails….

Zombie phishing: beware of emails, it could be zombies
Out of nowhere, someone replies to an email conversation dated months ago. This is a real conversation that actually happened. Maybe it’s about a meeting, a job opportunity. This email seems very relevant, but beware, it could be zombie phishing . Indeed, something is wrong, the topic discussed has been over for months and now there is a strange error…

What is phishing? Understanding and identifying social engineering attacks
Phishing is a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers . Occurs when an attacker, disguised as a trusted entity , tricks a victim into opening an email, instant message, or text message. The recipient is then tricked into clicking on a malicious link, which can lead to malware…
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The growing impact of cyber threats, on private or corporate operating systems…
Tempo di lettura stimato: 6 minuti Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Il tema della sicurezza delle informazioni è di grande attualità in questo peri…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The issue of information security is very topical in this historical period ch…
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