Advanced Persistent Threat hacker Giacomo Lanzi

Advanced persistent threats (APTs): what they are and how to defend yourself

An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a broad term used to describe an attack campaign in which an intruder, or a group of intruders, establishes an illicit and long-term presence on a network in order to extract highly sensitive data. The targets of these assaults, which are chosen and studied with great care, typically include large corporations or government networks. The…

SOC vs MDR Piergiorgio Venuti

SOC vs MDR: Complete Guide to Comparing Security Operations Center and Managed Detection and Response

The comparison between SOC and MDR is crucial when evaluating options for threat monitoring and response. But what are the key differences between an internal Security Operations Center and an external Managed Detection and Response service? This guide provides a detailed analysis of SOC vs MDR. What is a SOC? A Security Operations Center (SOC) is an internal facility dedicated…

data loss prevention data protection Giacomo Lanzi

Data Loss Prevention: definition and uses

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a set of tools and processes used to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, misused or accessed by unauthorized users. DLP software classifies regulated, confidential and business-critical data and identifies violations of policies defined by organizations or within a predefined policy package. Default policies are typically dictated by regulatory compliances such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS,…

XDR laptop Giacomo Lanzi

XDR as an approach to security

Just like any other IT field, the cybersecurity market is driven by hype . Currently hype towards XDR, ie eXtended Detection and Response . XDR is the latest in threat detection and response, a key element of a company’s infrastructure and data defense . What exactly is XDR? XDR is an alternative to traditional responsive approaches that only provide layer…

Threat Intelligence Virtual Giacomo Lanzi

What is threat intelligence?

I dati di threat intelligence forniscono alle aziende approfondimenti rilevanti e tempestivi necessari per comprendere, prevedere, rilevare e rispondere alle minacce alla sicurezza informatica. Le soluzioni di intelligence sulle minacce raccolgono, filtrano e analizzano grandi volumi di dati grezzi relativi a fonti esistenti o emergenti di minacce. Il risultato sono feed di threat intelligence e rapporti di gestione. I data…

Security Data Lake Concept laptop Giacomo Lanzi

What is it for? Hadoop Security Data Lake (SDL)

New cybersecurity threats continue to emerge every day and hackers develop new intrusion techniques to access sensitive data and breach IT systems. This is why it is necessary to collaborate with high-level experts who keep track of new developments in the field of IT security. With the birth and continuous evolution of Big Data, the concept of Data Lake and…

servizio SOC con EDR Piergiorgio Venuti

Protect Your Business: Antivirus vs. SOC Service with EDR and Next Generation Antivirus (NGA)

Cybersecurity has become crucial for businesses of all sizes and industries. The growing complexity of cyber threats has made it necessary to use increasingly advanced tools and services to protect networks and devices. In this article, we will look at the differences between traditional antivirus software and a Security Operations Center (SOC) service with Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) that…

CSIRT e SOC Piergiorgio Venuti

CSIRT and SOC: Differences between incident management and security monitoring

Introduction The protection of corporate information has become an essential necessity for any organization. To achieve this goal, having teams specialized in IT security is essential. But what are the differences between a CSIRT and a SOC? And how can they complement each other? In this article we will analyze CSIRT and SOC in detail, highlighting similarities and differences between…

CSIRT Piergiorgio Venuti

CSIRT: respond to IT incidents to protect the business

Introduction In recent years, cybersecurity has become a priority for all companies of all sizes. Cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated and can cause serious damage, both economic and reputational. To protect themselves from attacks, companies must adopt 360-degree cybersecurity solutions, which include not only prevention tools but also incident detection and response tools. In this context, the CSIRT (Computer Security…

Falsi miti sicurezza informatica Piergiorgio Venuti

False IT security myths: because backup, cloud, firewall and antivirus alone are no longer enough

Introduction Cyber security has become a major concern for businesses and individuals. With cyberattacks and data breaches on the rise, many still believe that solutions like data backup, cloud storage, firewalls, and antivirus are enough to protect their digital assets. However, these solutions alone are no longer enough to deal with today’s threats. In this article we will analyze why…

right boom Piergiorgio Venuti

How to manage the “right boom” after a security incident with Log Management, IT monitoring and SOCaaS services

The “right boom” refers to the frenetic situation that occurs in the immediate aftermath of a major cybersecurity incident such as a data breach or ransomware attack. When a business suffers a breach, it’s critical to act quickly to contain the damage, restore systems, assist affected customers, and initiate a forensic investigation. This intense phase of activity is known as…

Threat Hunting nei servizi Piergiorgio Venuti

What is Threat Hunting activity and why is it included in SOCaaS services

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity has become a priority for companies of all sizes and industries. Cyberthreats are constantly evolving, and to stay ahead, organizations need to implement a variety of tactics and strategies. One of these is Threat Hunting, which has become a key component of SOCaaS (SOC as a Service). In this article, we’ll explore what exactly threat…

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Piergiorgio Venuti

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT): because they make the backup system useless and the false perception of security

Index Introduction Cybersecurity is an area of growing importance to businesses, due to the increase in frequency and complexity of cyberattacks. One of the more insidious threats are Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), which can penetrate computer systems and remain hidden for long periods, causing long-term damage. In this article, we’ll look at APTs and why they render your backup system…

benefici soar cover Giacomo Lanzi

The SOAR benefits: simplifying investigation and response

The growing impact of cyber threats, on private or corporate operating systems, leads more and more users to use third-party applications to protect work information. Fortunately, the implementation of new technologies improves this condition. Among the most interesting solutions, aimed at protecting corporate systems, is the SOAR technology with its benefits. What are the potential and the advantages that a…

automated response integration cover Giacomo Lanzi

Integration of the automated response: the automations in SOCaaS

The issue of information security is very topical in this historical period characterized by digitization. To protect themselves, businesses and individuals can use a variety of tools that can prevent an attack, but also help manage it. In this article we talk about Automated Response Integration and the automations in the SOCaaS offered by SOD . Although the systems used…

Certificato di qualità Giacomo Lanzi

Quality certificate for the SOCaaS of SOD

The technology we use to deliver our SOCaaS has been awarded a quality certificate . Today we want to talk about this, explaining again what a SOC is and why a SOCaaS is an ideal solution for companies. Of course, we will also explain what it is about when we talk about the quality certificate and how this ensures excellent…

Managed Detection and Response cover Giacomo Lanzi

Managed Detection and Response: a new preventive approach

The constant use of communications over the network in a corporate context makes it essential to take precautions for computer security. As we have seen on other occasions, the dangers can come from different fronts: phishing , ransomware , data breach , etc. The implementation of new strategies such as Managed Detection and Response allows to mitigate risks and identify…

intelligenza artificiale monitoring chip Giacomo Lanzi

The use of artificial intelligence in monitoring

When we refer to artificial intelligence, we often refer to the great technologies that could control the world, with an obvious streak of science fiction. The reality is very different and is characterized by a technology with great potential, which is able to ensure countless advantages . Today we talk about how artificial intelligence can be implemented in monitoring. The…

Log Management Cover Giacomo Lanzi

The benefits of good log management

When we talk about log management we refer to a precise process which consists of the centralized collection of data that comes from different operating environments such as: devices, databases, applications and much more. Logs are produced by various system events , many of which are particularly important in the business environment. So let’s see some important details regarding log…

Ransomware novità mani con guanti Giacomo Lanzi

Ransomware: recent news 2020/21

As we know, a ransomware is a malware that aims to extort money from victims . The means it uses is encryption to encrypt victim data, both local and in the cloud, and make it inaccessible. The ransomware is therefore a real cyber blackmail : if the victim refuses to pay the requested sum, not only would he be denied…

Giacomo Lanzi

Autonomous Threat Sweeper: the news of SOCaaS

Today we see one of the latest additions to our SOCaaS, the Autonomous Threat Sweeper (ATS) . A system able to support SOC in an innovative way and protect against the most innovative threats. The Privacy Guarantor, through the provision dated May 27, 2021, has introduced some changes regarding the violation of sensitive and personal data. A particular reference was…

open data Giacomo Lanzi

Hadoop Open Data Model: “open” data collection

With the advent of big data platforms, IT security companies can now make guided decisions on how to protect their assets. By recording network traffic and network flows, it is possible to get an idea of the channels on which company information flows. To facilitate the integration of data between the various applications and to develop new analytical functionalities, we…

pass the ticket laptop Giacomo Lanzi

Pass the Ticket: how to mitigate it with a SOCaaS

Every year the number of attacks that threaten the security of devices, computer systems, servers and network infrastructures is growing steadily. This is done by taking advantage of the vulnerabilities present in these systems. Among the many types of attacks, particular attention must be paid to the pass the ticket (PTT) attack. With a pass the ticket attack it is…

Uso di un socaas cover Giacomo Lanzi

Use cases of a SOCaaS for companies part 2

In the previous article we have seen the most common use cases of a SOCaaS , explaining how it can be useful for companies to use this tool to prevent cyber attacks and also explaining which are the most common Threat Models . In this article, however, we will take a closer look at some of the more common indicators…

Le applicazioni di Cyber Threat Analytics monitorano i log di sicurezza e il network per rilevare in maniera tempestiva eventuali infezioni malware (per esempio, gli attacchi zero day e i ransomware), la compromissione del sistema, le attività di “lateral movement”, pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket e altre tecniche avanzate d’intrusione. L’uso di un SOCaaS permette di estrapolare dati da sorgenti come firewalls, proxy, VPN, IDS, DNS, endpoints, e da tutti i dispositivi connessi alla rete con lo scopo di identificare modelli dannosi come il “beaconing”, connessioni a domini generati digitalmente, azioni eseguite da robot e tutti i comportamenti anomali. Il nostro sistema SOCaaS è dotato di intelligenza artificiale che arricchisce e trasforma gli eventi SIEM, in modo da identificare le minacce nell'intero ambiente IT, includendo anche le applicazioni aziendali critiche.   ##Quali sono i vantaggi a livello aziendale? L’uso di un SOCaaS. Qui sotto è riportata una lista con soltanto alcuni dei vantaggi che l’uso di un SOCaaS può comportare:  •	Rilevamento delle violazioni più rapido •	Riduzione dell'impatto delle violazioni •	Risposte e indagini complete sulle minacce •	Minori costi di monitoraggio e gestione •	Costi di conformità inferiori •	Ricevere segnalazioni quantificate e non soggettive su minacce e rischi  ##Casi d’uso SOCaaS Dopo una panoramica generale sui vantaggi che potrebbe offrire all’azienda l’uso di un SOCaaS, vediamo in quali contesti viene normalmente impiegato: •	Esecuzione anomala del programma  •	Schema di traffico robotico indirizzato verso un sito Web dannoso, non classificato o sospetto •	Connessioni a domini generati digitalmente •	Query DNS insolite •	Possibile attività di comando e controllo •	Spike in byte verso destinazioni esterne •	Modello di traffico insolito (applicazione/porta) •	Rilevamenti di exploit •	Agenti utente rari •	Durata insolita della sessione •	Connessioni a IP o domini nella blacklist •	DDOS / attività di scansione delle porte •	Numero anomalo di richieste non riuscite o reindirizzate •	SPAM mirato/tentativi di phishing ##Threat Models Analizzando gli indicatori di minaccia è possibile rilevare comportamenti correlati su più origini di dati, per rilevando anche tutte quelle minacce che solitamente passano inosservate. Molteplici indicatori di minaccia che si verificano in uno schema e che coinvolgono entità simili tendono a presentare un maggior rischio di costituire una minaccia reale.  I Threat Models definiscono questi schemi e combinano le policy e gli indicatori di minaccia per rilevare i comportamenti correlati su più sorgenti di dati, identificando le minacce che potrebbero passare inosservate. In seguito sono riportati alcuni dei Threat Models più comuni. ###Rilevamento dei Lateral Movement Questo Threat Model rileva i possibili scenari di “lateral movement”, impiegati dagli aggressori per diffondersi progressivamente in una rete alla ricerca di risorse e dati chiave. Autenticazione anomala •	Account che accede ad un host mai raggiunto prima •	Enumerazione di host •	Uso di credenziali di account esplicite su più host •	Rilevato un tipo/processo di autenticazione sospetto Uso sospetto di privilegi •	Rilevata attività di provisioning anomala •	Rilevata escalation sospetta dei privilegi •	Accesso anomalo agli oggetti della condivisione della rete Processo anomalo •	Processo/MD5 inconsueto rilevato •	Creazione sospetta di attività pianificate •	Rilevati cambiamenti sospetti alle impostazioni del registro di sistema ###Rilevamento di host compromessi Questo modello viene impiegato per rilevare gli host che mostrano segni di infezione e compromissione mettendo in relazione le anomalie basate su host e rete sulla stessa entità Anomalie nel traffico in uscita •	Traffico verso domini generati casualmente •	Traffico verso host noti come malevoli rilevato •	Numero anomalo di domini contattati •	Possibile comunicazione C2 Anomalie nell’endpoint •	Raro processo o MD5 rilevato •	Rilevato un uso sospetto di porte/protocolli da parte del processo •	Raro agente utente rilevato ###Rilevazione APT Rileva gli attacchi alle reti informatiche sanitarie, in cui lo scopo dell’aggressore solitamente è quello di ottenere un accesso non autorizzato a una rete con l'intenzione di rimanere inosservato per un periodo prolungato. Recon •	Possibili tentativi di phishing •	Rilevata scansione ed enumerazione della rete •	Rilevata elusione dei controlli Delivery •	Traffico verso domini generati in modo casuale •	Rilevata anomalia del traffico DHCP •	Rilevato traffico verso host notoriamente dannosi Exploit •	Rilevata attività di account terminati •	Rilevato traffico DNS anomalo •	Rilevato un tipo/processo di autenticazione sospetto •	Account che accede a un host mai visitato prima •	Rilevata anomalia di velocità Esegui •	Rilevato processo raro •	Possibile comunicazione C2 rilevata •	Amplificazione DNS anomala Exfiltration •	Rilevata infiltrazione di canali nascosti •	Rilevato uploads di dati su rete vianetwork ###Phishing Questo modello è in grado di rilevare possibili tentativi di phishing verso utenti all'interno dell'organizzazione. E-mail sospette in entrata •	Campagne di target e di spear phishing •	Possibili tentativi di phishing •	Campagne di phishing persistenti •	Email da mittenti/domini/indirizzi IP noti nella blacklist •	Allegati e-mail sospetti Anomalie del traffico in uscita •	Traffico verso domini generati casualmente •	Traffico verso host maliziosi noti •	Numero anormale di domini rari acceduti •	Possibile comunicazione C2 rilevata •	Rilevati proxyredirect sospetti Anomalie nei processi •	Processo o MD5 insolito rilevato •	Creazione sospetta di attività pianificate •	Rilevati cambiamenti sospetti alle impostazioni del registro di sistema ###Enumerazione di Host/Account su LDAP Utilizzato, solitamente, per identificare potenziali asset o enumerazioni di account sulla rete da parte di entità maligne. Esecuzione di processi sospetti •	Processo/MD5 anomalo rilevato •	Uso di possibili set di strumenti di enumerazione AD •	Rilevato l'uso di strumenti e utilità malevoli Scansione della rete •	Possibili account AD/privilegi di enumerazione •	Conteggio dei servizi LDAPo SMB •	Numero anomalo di richieste di ticket di servizio Kerberos •	Port scanning Anomalie di autenticazione •	Account che accedono a un host per la prima volta •	Uso di account mai visti prima sulla rete •	Numero anormale di richieste di autenticazione fallite ###Ricognizione seguita da un potenziale sfruttamento Questo modello di minaccia mira a identificare i tentativi di ricognizione della rete che hanno avuto successo, seguiti da indicatori di sfruttamento. Scansione esterna •	Scansione delle porte da host esterni •	Enumerazione di host da host esterni Scansione della rete •	Possibile conteggio di account/privilegi AD •	Enumerazione di servizi LDAP •	Numero insolto di richieste di ticket di servizio Kerberos •	Picchi nel traffico LDAP •	Enumerazione di servizi SMB Anomalie nei processi •	Rilevamento dei processi o MD5 anomali •	Creazione sospetta di attività pianificate •	Rilevati cambiamenti sospetti alle impostazioni del registro di sistema ##Conclusioni Abbiamo visto quali sono i maggiori casi d’uso SOCaaS, dando uno sguardo su alcuni dei modelli di minaccia più comuni che include nel suo sistema di protezione. Per avere informazioni sui modelli di minaccia relativi ai malware e sugli identificatori di minaccia visitate questo articolo.  Per qualsiasi informazione noi di SOD siamo pronti a rispondere a qualsiasi domanda. Giacomo Lanzi

Use cases of a SOCaaS for companies part 1

Cyber ​​Threat Analytics applications monitor security logs and the network to promptly detect any malware infections (for example, attacks zero day e i ransomware), the compromise of the system, the activities of “ lateral movement ”, pass-the-hash , pass-the-ticket and other advanced intrusion techniques. The use of a SOCaaS allows to extrapolate data from sources such as firewalls, proxies, VPN,…

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Giacomo Lanzi

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Il NIST Cybersecurity Framework è un insieme di linee guida sviluppato per ridurre i rischi legati alla sicurezza informatica. Elenca delle attività specifiche associate alla gestione del rischio di sicurezza informatica basandosi su standard e linee guida già esistenti. È uno dei più popolari framework dedicati alla sicurezza informatica ed è impiegato in modo diffuso perché fornisce un aiuto sotto…

Left of boom cover Giacomo Lanzi

“Left of boom” and “right of boom”: having a winning strategy

Quando parliamo di “left of boom” o “right of boom” ci riferiamo ad un concetto che all’apparenza può sembrare superficiale. Invece, è un potente strumento che offre la possibilità di analizzare i conflitti di sicurezza sia da un punto di vista offensivo che da uno difensivo. In una ipotetica linea temporale di un attacco, ciò che si trova alla sua…

Network Traffic Analyzer Giacomo Lanzi

Network Traffic Analyzer: an extra gear for the Next Gen SIEM

Businesses today have a hard time detecting hackers’ sophisticated intrusion techniques. To stem security problems, you need to use the combination of several elements. These elements are: accurate monitoring of network traffic, user actions and system behavior. The Network Traffic Analyzer tools can analyze and monitor traffic in order to detect anomalies, even the most difficult to identify. At SOD,…

cybersecurity predittiva Giacomo Lanzi

Predictive cybersecurity with our SOCaaS

Today, facing an attack in a corporate SOC is very similar to being under attack without knowing which direction the blow is coming from. The threat intelligence can keep you informed of security issues. However, in many cases, this information is only provided when you are already under attack, and is rarely very useful except in retrospect. It would take…

Air-fi Rete locale Giacomo Lanzi

Air-Fi: attacking computers that are disconnected and without network hardware is possible

To keep secret information out of reach of attackers, organizations place it on devices that are not connected to any network. This is to avoid any possibility of communication with the Internet. These machines are called air-gapped . As safe as it may seem, infecting such a machine or network segment isn’t actually that difficult. Extracting the information obtained is…

event overload code Giacomo Lanzi

Event Overload? Our SOCaaS can help!

I dati che un’infrastruttura IT aziendale genera quotidianamente sono sempre stati molti, ma mai come negli ultimi anni si è assistito a un event overload (sovraccarico di eventi) di così vaste proporzioni. Questo è dovuto alle sempre più numerose applicazioni utilizzate da aziende e dipendenti per le operazioni di routine. Ognuna delle applicazioni utilizzate, infatti, genera una certa quantità di…

shoulder surfing cafeteria Giacomo Lanzi

Prevent shoulder surfing and theft of corporate credentials

The term shoulder surfing might conjure up images of a little surfer on his shirt collar, but the reality is much more mundane. shoulder surfing is a criminal practice in which thieves steal your personal data by spying on you while using a laptop, ATM, public terminal or other electronic device among other people . This social engineering technique is…

Giacomo Lanzi

Machine learning and cybersecurity: UEBA applications and security

The cost of cybercrime has now outstripped the ability to keep up. Gartner, a multinational security and analytics company in the field of technology, predicted that world spending on cybersecurity will be 16 times lower than damage caused. To address this challenge, organizations are now turning to machine learning and artificial intelligence for cybersecurity, trying to fill in the gaps….

Logic time bomb Giacomo Lanzi

Logic Bomb: what they are and how to prevent them

Una logic bomb, chiamata anche slug code, è un pezzo di codice inserito in un’applicazione, virus o malware che implementa una funzione dannosa dopo un certo limite di tempo o in condizioni specifiche. Queste “bombe” sono spesso usate tramite virus, worm e Trojan per gestire al meglio il tempo a disposizione e fare il massimo danno prima di essere notati….

Pass the hash Giacomo Lanzi

Pass the hash: how to gain access without password

Since the Internet has become widespread, tremendous progress has been made in awareness of the use of passwords. By now everyone knows what best practices are for setting a password (avoid standard passwords, use letters and numbers, avoid dates of birth, etc.). However, there is not much to rest assured, because hackers have another trick that could put your accounts…

Monitoring SIEM Analisi dati Giacomo Lanzi

SIEM monitoring: best practices

As the cybersecurity threat landscape becomes increasingly sophisticated, service providers, such as SOD, need to take additional precautions to protect their customers’ networks. An information management system and monitoring SIEM is an excellent choice in this respect. This system, in fact, helps mitigate cybersecurity threats from two different angles, all from a single interface . The SIEM monitoring system collects…

ingegneria sociale email Giacomo Lanzi

Social engineering: how hackers scam their victims

Social engineering is the term used for a wide range of malicious activities performed through human interactions. It uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or provide sensitive information. Then, with that information, the hacker is able to successfully carry out targeted attacks, such as data theft, a ransomware or a ‘ interruption of services. Social engineering…

Evitare il Ransomware Cover Giacomo Lanzi

Avoid Ransomware: That’s why it’s best not to take any risks

ransomware gangs have been targeting businesses in recent times, demanding larger payments than they can extort from consumers. The plan was very successful. According to the new data, 70% of the attacked companies paid the ransom to get their data back. Avoiding ransomware is a necessity, these figures implicitly prove it. If such a large number of companies pay, it…

Zero-Day Attck Giacomo Lanzi

Zero-Day attack: what they are and how to defend yourself with SOCaaS

A Zero-Day attack (also known as 0-day) exploits a software vulnerability unknown to security officers and the software vendor. Hackers can exploit the weakness, as long as it is not mitigated, through Zero-Day exploit or, indeed, attack. The term “zero-day” originally referred to the number of days after the software was released. A “zero-day” software, therefore, meant a program obtained…

Data Exfiltration cover Giacomo Lanzi

Data Exfiltration: defense against data theft

A common definition of data exfiltration is the theft, removal, or unauthorized movement of any data from a device. Data exfiltration typically involves a cybercriminal stealing data from personal or corporate devices, such as computers and cell phones, through various cyberattack methods. Failure to control information security can lead to data loss which can cause financial and reputational damage to…

Ransomware Critici Cover Giacomo Lanzi

Critical ransomware: examples of successful attacks

There have been critical cases of ransomware of note lately. Tor Vergata University suffered an attack that knocked out about a hundred computers. Access to the systems by teachers and students has been blocked. The attack affected a number of documents related to COVID-19 research that were encrypted and then made inaccessible. In addition, two other noteworthy cases shook hospitals…

Long-term Search Cover Giacomo Lanzi

Long-term search: what’s new in the SOCaaS service

Ransomware commonly comes up with an email that tricks users into trusting a malicious file. Many of the most recent data breaches have been completed because a user has been the victim of such an attack in the previous period. Threats such as ransomware, which focus on user compromise, are causing more and more companies to adopt user and entity…

shadow IT Giacomo Lanzi

Shadow IT: an overview

The practice of shadow IT is the use of computer systems, devices, software, applications and services without the explicit approval of the IT department. In recent years, it has grown exponentially with the adoption of cloud-based applications and services. While shadow IT could improve employee productivity and drive innovation, it can also introduce serious security risks to the organization due…

Insider Threat, le minacce dall'interno Giacomo Lanzi

Insider threat: identifying and fighting them

Insider threats are difficult to spot because they come from within your organization. Employees, contractors and partners require different levels of login credentials in order to perform their work. Attackers can trick these insiders into accessing them or offering them money to knowingly steal valuable information from the company. Traditional security solutions focus on protecting the organization from external attackers….

UEBA Giacomo Lanzi

UEBA: Behavior Analysis Explained

Classic cyber threat defense tools and systems are rapidly becoming obsolete, and there are ways to overcome them. What remains confidently common among cyber criminals attempting an attack is the intent of the attack itself. Indeed, knowing that there are systems capable of detecting indicators of compromise (IOC), it is natural that competent hackers will try not to leave traces…

SOAR Giacomo Lanzi

SOAR: coordination for cyber security

SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) technology helps coordinate, execute and automate activities between people and tools, enabling companies to respond quickly to cyber security attacks. The aim is to improve their overall security position. SOAR tools use playbooks (strategies and procedures) to automate and coordinate workflows which may include security tools and manual tasks. How does SOAR help in…

SOAR Security Orchestration Giacomo Lanzi

SOAR: what it is and how it can be useful for companies

An increasing number of companies leverage SOAR to improve the effectiveness of their cybersecurity operations. In this article, we explain how harnessing the value of SOAR could be crucial to improving the security of your organization. What is SOAR? Coined by the research firm Gartner, Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) is a term used to describe the convergence of…

Next Generation SIEM Giacomo Lanzi

Next Generation SIEM: where are we?

SIEM has existed for quite some time, but it is not yet well understood. Also, the fact that technology has evolved significantly in recent years doesn’t help shed some light. Today we see where we are, trying to understand the Next Generation SIEM and the managed systems offered as services that make use of the latest generation SIEM (SOCaaS, for…

SIEM informatica Giacomo Lanzi

SIEM in computer science: history

A SIEM solution in IT is one of the essential components of a SOC (Security Operation Center). Its task is to collect information and analyze it in search of anomalies and possible breaches in the system. But the defense process hasn’t always been that simple. What we now call SIEM, Security Information and Event Management, is the union of two…

SIEM - Raccolta e analisi dei dati Giacomo Lanzi

SIEM software: what it is and how it works

Evolving beyond its roots in log file management, today’s security information and event management (SIEM) software vendors are introducing AI, advanced statistical analysis and other analytical methods into their products. . But what is SIEM software and what are its uses? SIEM software Acronym for Security Information and Event Management, it is a product that provides cyber security professionals in…

Network Lateral Movement Giacomo Lanzi

What is a Network Lateral Movement and how to defend yourself

During a cyber attack, hackers have only one goal in mind. This goal could be accessing a developer’s machine and stealing a project’s source code, analyzing emails from a particular executive, or extracting customer data from a server. All they have to do is log into the machine or system that contains the data they want, right? Not exactly. Actually,…

Mitre Att&ck cover Giacomo Lanzi

Mitre Att&ck ™: an overview

Mitre Att&ck is a global knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real observations of cyber attacks. These are displayed in arrays organized by attack tactics, from initial system access and data theft to machine control. There are arrays for common desktop platforms (Linux, macOS and Windows) and for mobile ones. What is MITRE ATT&CK ™ and what does…

SOCaaS - Post Cover Giacomo Lanzi

Is SOCaaS useful for your business?

In today’s article, we’ll explain what a Security Operations Center (SOC) is and help determine if a SOC-as-a-Service (SOCaaS) solution is right for your business. Just because you have to manage cybersecurity doesn’t mean your business has to deal with cybersecurity. In fact, your core business could be pretty much anything else. Proper management of IT security, however, is essential…



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    Posted by Andrey Stoykov on Mar 24# Exploit Title: SQL Injection in Admin Functionality - dolphin.prov7.4.2 # Date: 03/2025 # Exploit Author: Andrey Stoykov # Version: 7.4.2 # Date: 03/2025 # Tested on: Debian 12 # Blog: SQL Injection in Admin Functionality: Steps to Reproduce: 1. Login as admin user and visit the page […]
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    Posted by Andrey Stoykov on Mar 24# Exploit Title: Stored XSS via Send Message Functionality - dolphin.prov7.4.2 # Date: 03/2025 # Exploit Author: Andrey Stoykov # Version: 7.4.2 # Date: 03/2025 # Tested on: Debian 12 # Blog: Stored XSS via Send Message Functionality: Steps to Reproduce: 1. Login and visit "" 2. Add...
  • APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-4 visionOS 2.3.2 March 20, 2025
    Posted by Apple Product Security via Fulldisclosure on Mar 20APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-4 visionOS 2.3.2 visionOS 2.3.2 addresses the following issues. Information about the security content is also available at Apple maintains a Security Releases page at which lists recent software updates with security advisories. WebKit Available for: Apple Vision Pro Impact: Maliciously crafted web content […]
  • APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-3 macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 March 20, 2025
    Posted by Apple Product Security via Fulldisclosure on Mar 20APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-3 macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 addresses the following issues. Information about the security content is also available at Apple maintains a Security Releases page at which lists recent software updates with security advisories. WebKit Available for: macOS Sequoia Impact: Maliciously crafted web […]
  • APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-2 iOS 18.3.2 and iPadOS 18.3.2 March 20, 2025
    Posted by Apple Product Security via Fulldisclosure on Mar 20APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-2 iOS 18.3.2 and iPadOS 18.3.2 iOS 18.3.2 and iPadOS 18.3.2 addresses the following issues. Information about the security content is also available at Apple maintains a Security Releases page at which lists recent software updates with security advisories. WebKit Available for: iPhone XS […]
  • APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-1 Safari 18.3.1 March 20, 2025
    Posted by Apple Product Security via Fulldisclosure on Mar 20APPLE-SA-03-11-2025-1 Safari 18.3.1 Safari 18.3.1 addresses the following issues. Information about the security content is also available at Apple maintains a Security Releases page at which lists recent software updates with security advisories. WebKit Available for: macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma Impact: Maliciously crafted […]
  • CVE-2019-16261 (UPDATE): Unauthenticated POST requests to Tripp Lite UPS Systems March 20, 2025
    Posted by Lucas Lalumière on Mar 20[Author]: Lucas Lalumiere [Contact]: lucas.lalum () gmail com [Date]: 2025-3-17 [Vendor]: Tripp Lite [Product]: SU750XL UPS [Firmware]: 12.04.0052 [CVE Reference]: CVE-2019-16261 ============================ Affected Products (Tested): ============================ - Tripp Lite PDU's (e.g., PDUMH15AT) - Tripp Lite UPS's (e.g., SU750XL) *NEW* ====================== Vulnerability Summary: ====================== CVE-2019-16261 describes...
  • Multiple sandbox escapes in asteval python sandboxing module March 11, 2025
    Posted by areca-palm via Fulldisclosure on Mar 11[CVE pending] Sandboxing Python is notoriously difficult, the Python module "asteval" is no exception. Add to this the fact that a large set of numpy functions are exposed within the sandbox by default. Versions
  • SEC Consult SA-20250226-0 :: Multiple vulnerabilities in Siemens A8000 CP-8050 & CP-8031 PLC February 27, 2025
    Posted by SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab via Fulldisclosure on Feb 27SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20250226-0 > ======================================================================= title: Multiple Vulnerabilities product: Siemens A8000 CP-8050 PLC Siemens A8000 CP-8031 PLC vulnerable version:
  • Re: MitM attack against OpenSSH's VerifyHostKeyDNS-enabled client February 27, 2025
    Posted by Jordy Zomer on Feb 27Hey all, First of all, cool findings! I&apos;ve been working on the CodeQL query and have a revised version that I think improves accuracy and might offer some performance gains (though I haven&apos;t done rigorous benchmarking). The key change is the use of `StackVariableReachability` and making sure that there&apos;s […]


