Baas (Backup as a Service) is another model of Cloud used to have an off-site copy of your Backup following the “3-2-1 Rule”. Cyberfero offers two kind of BaaS as details below.
Veeam Cloud Connect
The easy, efficient way to get backups off site to a Service Provider.
as Service provider of the Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) program can use Veeam Cloud Connect to offer customers Backup as a Service (BaaS). Every Veeam Backup & Replication v8 or v9 customer can then consume this service to send backups off site virtual machines (VMs).
Veeam® delivers powerful and reliable features and functionality to help you avoid the risk of catastrophic data loss. With Veeam Cloud Connect, you get:
Hosted off site backups: Get your backups off site to a hosted cloud repository through a secure SSL connection with
no additional Veeam licensing required
Complete visibility and control: Access and recover data
in hosted backup repositories directly from the backup console; track cloud repository consumption and receive reminders
for hosted storage renewals
A modern backup architecture: Leverage Veeam’s modern backup technology, including Backup Copy jobs with Built-in WAN Acceleration, forever incremental backups, GFS (grandfather-father-son) retention policies and more —
all built into one product
End-to-end encryption: Rest easy by encrypting all data
at source (before it leaves your network perimeter), in flight and at rest, without negatively impacting the data reduction ratios of built-in compression and WAN Acceleration.
Acronis Cloud Backup
Acronis BackupService powered by Cyberfero solves data protection challenges with a proven comprehensive local and cloud backup and recovery managed service. Powered by the Acronis AnyData Engine, BackupService backs up disks, partitions, and files to your local storage or ServiceProvider’s secure data centers (powered by Cyberfero
) for quick recovery of selected files, folders, applications, or an entire system. BackupService even supports backup for iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices and Microsoft Office 365 mailboxes.
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