CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence): how does it work?
Tempo di lettura stimato: 6 minutes
Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is an aspect that must always be taken into consideration to prevent data from being stolen in any way.
Network problems
When you have a presence connected to the network, especially if it contains sensitive data, the potential threats to which you are exposed are manifold. The theft of your customers’ data, in fact, is only one of the potential negative situations that can arise and that could compromise the solidity of your site and the reputation of your company.
The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) service, was created with the aim, not only of discovering which areas are most at risk, but also of preventing targeted attacks. Prevention represents the right solution thanks to which it is possible to avoid that the situation can become difficult to deal with and that there may be future complex problems to be solved.

CTI: preventive-threat analysis
Thanks to the CTI service we offer and our Cyber Treath Hunter , it is possible to prevent a planned attack hits. The search for vulnerable areas of the IT infrastructure represents the first process of the CTI service we propose.
This information, in fact, is that which is processed in the Dark Web , where most of the design of the attacks. The analysis of data leakage, therefore, is carried out with extreme care to understand what and how much data may have become the object of hacker attention . Consequently, we can also understand what specific attack targets or upcoming information at risk may be.
The various analyzes are carried out with care and precision, to avoid that vulnerabilities are exploited and the security of the structure jeopardized. Thanks to the analysis carried out by a team of professionals, your company will prevent attacks from hitting you and triggering economic and image problems .
The analyzes carried out by Cyber Threat Intelligence
As regards the different phases of the analyzes proposed by us, these are carried out in a particularly accurate manner. We practice a series of procedures thanks to which it is possible to identify what are the potential threats that may be present in the network.
Let’s look at these steps to understand how we go about offering a complete service to our customers.
Global-data analysis
After having hypothesized the type of threat to be avoided, then the necessary data that must be analyzed, the team of technicians in charge takes care of carrying out a series of information gathering procedures. Thanks to this we can understand if the necessary data are well protected or at risk of breach . Basically we try to think like hackers before they prepare for the attack.
The data are subjected to careful analysis and above all are adequately divided. This procedure was created to simplify the phase of studying the data themselves , thus preventing an accumulation of information that could lead to confusion during the analysis phase.
The data and the second-analysis, between fundamental and secondary information
Once the information gathering phase is complete, we move on to the initial analysis of the same. With this fundamental step it is possible to eliminate all the information deemed superfluous leaving space for those that have greater relevance in the study phase.
At this point, the data analysis phase takes place, the purpose of which is to actually understand what concrete threats to avoid can be.
During the study phase it is decided which are the different procedures to be adopted on the infrastructure to prevent attacks from being successful. Through these analyzes, we can then decide precisely how to further increase corporate data defenses.
The choice of security-measures to be adopted
Finally, there is the implementation of security practices with a specific task: to make the analysis results operational.
Here’s how, thanks to this set of procedures, the CTI service we offer is incredibly useful to avoid potential problems. We remind you that even a single attack carried out can have a significant impact in economic terms.
Prevention of future-attacks
Thanks to this set of CTI analyzes, you can, therefore, prevent future attacks. Our team is not only concerned with analyzing potential and future threats, but also those that may be based on the current situation of the IT infrastructure.
We want to underline, in fact, how constant threats are subject to rapid evolution and how important it is to always be adequately protected and prevented. With services like SOCaaS and CTI, we securely monitor the corporate network making sure it remains safe and healthy.

CTI: The importance of maximum-online-security
We therefore encourage you to consider these security risk situations as less remote than you might think. These same situations can be the cause of a series of breaches and data losses that can compromise the company.
Thanks to our SOCaaS, and especially the CTI. it is possible to avoid that the data present on the corporate network can be easily intercepted.
Understanding what the threats are, having a detailed report and above all analyzing the countermeasures that must be adopted is our task and thanks to our state-of-the-art systems we offer a complete service capable of putting the infrastructure in total safety.
Our services cover many security risk situations and we generally offer many professional solutions for companies. The SOCaaS, with system SIEM and UEBA, as well as CTI and
Keeping safety always on top is our job, if you want more information, don’t hesitate to contact us!
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