Let’s Encrypt Free Certificates for all Webhosting users
Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated and open Certification Authority. The objective of Let’s Encrypt and the ACME protocol is to make it possible to set up an HTTPS server and have it automatically obtain a browser-trusted certificate, without any human intervention. This is accomplished by running a certificate management agent on the web server.
With our Webhosting service based on Plesk technology you can have free SSL certificates with Let’s Encrypt so all your web pages will be secured.
Plesk plugin is installed by default on all subscriptions, you just need to enable it if you like to use SSL certificate to protect your web site.
Creating SSL Certificates with Let’s Encrypt
To create your SSL Certificate just logon in your Webhosting portal, click on domain you like to create SSL certificates then click on related icon like show below:
If you still don’t have a Webhosting service you can access to Webhosting demo.
Once again Google dictates the rules to comply with so as not to see its site “penalized” compared to others. We are not talking about the classic penalties already explained in this section .. but we can talk about “positioning factor” as evidenced by one of the first statements provided by Google in 2014: “Https as a positioning factor”.
Starting from January 2017, to help users browse the web safely, Google Chrome will indicate as “NOT SECURE” all those pages that collect passwords or credit cards.
Unlike other positioning factors, implementing an SSL certificate involves difficulties, risks and costs.
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Useful links:
CloudFlare free Plesk extension for Webhosting users
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