The Secure Online Desktop Srl is in able to carry out Audit projects of Business Continuity Plan. The Business Continuity Plan ( BCP , or Business Continuity Plan – PCO ) is the set of documented procedures that guide organizations in responding, recovering, resuming and restoring the following activities to a pre-defined level of an outage. The disaster recovery (briefly DR, in Italian: Recovery from Disaster ), in computer science and in particular in the context of IT security , means the set of technological measures and logistico / organizational systems designed to restore sistemi , data and infrastructures necessary for the provision of business for imprese , associations or entities, in the face of serious emergencies that affect their regular activity in order to verify their correct drafting and implementation. These audits may be necessary both for an external verification of internal IT processes and for a control of suppliers in the event of IT outsourcing.
The Secure Online Desktop Srl is in able to carry out Audit projects of Business Continuity Plan. The Business Continuity Plan ( BCP , or Business Continuity Plan – PCO ) is the set of documented procedures that guide organizations in responding, recovering, resuming and restoring the following activities to a pre-defined level of an outage. The disaster recovery (briefly DR, in Italian: Recovery from Disaster ), in computer science and in particular in the context of IT security , means the set of technological measures and logistico / organizational systems designed to restore sistemi , data and infrastructures necessary for the provision of business for imprese , associations or entities, in the face of serious emergencies that affect their regular activity in order to verify their correct drafting and implementation. These audits may be necessary both for an external verification of internal IT processes and for a control of suppliers in the event of IT outsourcing.
Business continuity


