security code review cover Giacomo Lanzi

Security Code Review: How the service works

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

The Security Code Review (SCR) service is increasingly used by companies looking for effective solutions for cyber security . The large number of programming languages require well-defined security parameters to benefit from thorough control.

Thanks to our dedicated service for Security Code Review it is possible to identify critical defects and serious data breaches without necessarily investing a significant budget.

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How does the SCR work?

From a technical point of view, the Security Code Review service acts on three intervention levels: find weaknesses, analyze the code and finally re-analyze subsequent versions of the software .

Finding weaknesses: one of the most relevant characteristics of a Security code Review service lies in the timely ability to detect weaknesses in the reference system.

Code analysis: the service is responsible for analyzing the code, in a targeted and professional way highlights critical issues.

Code re-analysis: when a software update is performed, new analyzes are performed for the reference versions.

Those who need to develop secure applications can rely on a Security Code Review system. This allows you to identify any security issues before the program goes into production , significantly lowering the costs of a future problem.

Security Code Review: Benefits

The potential of a service of this kind is evident by analyzing the advantages that developers and companies derive from it. Specifically, the main benefits are: faster results, depth of analysis, overcoming limitations, reports, multiple solutions and satisfactory standards.

Faster results with the Security Code Review

An absolute benefit is being able to count on the fast identification of defects thanks to Code Review. Through this feature it is possible to disengage from support tickets and lower the costs of interventions of IT technicians. The service, having all the application code available, has the ability to send test data quickly and punctually.

Depth of analysis

By using an SCR service you get an evaluation of the entire layout of the application code in production, to which are added all those areas not usually analyzed by standard tests. In fact, the entry points for inputs, integrations and internal interfaces will also be examined in depth.

Overcoming the limitations

Un servizio di Security Code Review permette agli sviluppatori di scoprire le vulnerabilità che nelle scansioni tradizionali non vengono rilevate. La Code Review individua algoritmi deboli, codifiche rischiose e tutti quei difetti di progettazione che possono inficiare la realizzazione dell’applicazione.

SCR report

One of the strengths of an SCR service is the delivery of reports. After a thorough analysis of the application’s vulnerabilities, the service produces audit reports of the same security code. The report includes a list of all the strengths and weaknesses of the code and clearly transcribes the details.

The service also includes possible solutions and fixes for specific troubleshooting.

Multiple solutions

An advantage that companies consider essential for the creation of efficient applications lies in the recommended solutions . Each developer can store and protect sensitive data by obtaining precise and personalized advice on the work performed.

The suggestions are directed to evaluate the code and its correspondence with the objectives, using multipurpose checks to search for vulnerabilities.

Satisfactory standards

Another benefit of absolute importance is the possibility of counting on a rapid assessment of quality standards. Once the service has been used, it is possible to satisfy all the minimum conditions set by the regulations of the sector. These provisions include both the protection of users’ personal data and all interactions for payment methods. < / p>

An excellent service allows you to have maximum upgradeability and versatility over time.

Difference between SCR methodologies

The Security Code Review service we offer combines the characteristics of the SAST and DAST methodologies . But what are the differences between the methodologies?

When we refer to the acronyms SAST and DAST we identify test methodologies for the security of the applications used to highlight vulnerabilities. Technically, the SAST methodology is the security test of static applications , while the DAST methodology represents the dynamic test of application security . The first, possible through a white box approach, the second a black box.

In addition, the DAST detection system usually applies while the application is running, while the SAST system detects vulnerabilities in a stopped state. But let’s analyze the differences in more detail.

Safety test

The SAST methodology is based on a white box safety test. This means that the tester has access to the underlying framework, design and implementations. There is an inside out for the developer.

The DAST methodology, on the other hand, is based on a black box test, the tester knows no framework. There is an analysis from the outside in, just like a hacker approach .

Code requests

The SAST does not require any distributive application , as it analyzes the source or binary code without starting the application.

The DAST methodology does not need a source code or binary, but it analyzes the application while it is running.


Una delle differenze più marcate risiede nel ritrovamento delle vulnerabilità. Il SAST trova le vulnerabilità nell’SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) appena il codice è stato completato.

The DAST instead finds vulnerabilities towards the end of the SDLC, allowing the developer an analysis at the end of the development cycle.


From a purely economic point of view, a SAST methodology compared to the DAST one, has a lower cost. This condition is due to detection prior to application completion. There is therefore an opportunity to correct errors before the code is inserted into the QA loop.

Runtime issues

The use of a SAST test methodology does not allow the detection of problems related to the runtime , this is due to the static scanning of the code.

The DAST methodology, on the other hand, can easily detect runtime vulnerabilities in different work environments . This condition is due to its ability to dynamically analyze the application.

Software support

When using a SAST test there is support for all types of software, from web to thick client. While a DAST system is primarily aimed at web applications and web services.

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Using a Security Code Review service is essential for companies that want to optimize work times and check for vulnerabilities in their codes. The service offered by SOD guarantees maximum versatility, combining SAST and DAST methodologies.

Static and dynamic analysis can help developers get better results according to their business needs. The SAST and DAST techniques complement each other and it is important that they are used to get a full account.

In many cases we rely on the purchase of separate systems, but a common service can help to significantly lower costs over time.

If you have any questions about how this service could be useful for your business, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer any questions.

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