Small and medium-sized businesses have little room for maneuver when it comes to investment. Precisely for this reason, every step that involves an expense is weighed and evaluated in every aspect before being carried out. We know the fears that underlie such reasoning, and for this reason we have decided to dedicate an article precisely to the advantages that SOD services can offer to small and medium-sized enterprises. The adoption of cloud services for small businesses is an important step that requires some study.
Services available in the cloud
Cloud computing means, in practice, that it is not necessary to store your data. The data are stored and accessible online. The cloud is a highly secure physical location – called the Datacenter – located outside the corporate headquarters, which hosts many servers on the network that serve all users. By taking advantage of the support of a provider such as SOD, it is possible to relocate hardware and software resources in a datacenter and take advantage of the benefits that derive from it.
Cloud solutions for small businesses
Cloud computing naturally has different implications for small businesses than individuals or large companies. This is due to the fact that the user’s needs vary considerably. Both as a type of infrastructure required and as a specific service.
In fact, various main cloud computing options are available to meet various needs: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and backup as a service (BaaS).
If you think of cloud service models as a pyramid, the IaaS is at the base, because it allows the existence of remote infrastructures. PaaS is the next or intermediate level, which allows users to create infrastructure-based applications. SaaS and BaaS are at the top level providing end users with complete and immediately functional products and services.
Cloud solutions for small businesses are typically SaaS and BaaS solutions.
Common examples of SaaS cloud solutions for small businesses
SaaS-type online solutions include professional versions of apps also used by private individuals, such as Hootsuite, Shopify, Mailchimp, G suite and many others. But of course, specific cloud solutions for small and medium-sized businesses go beyond these familiar examples, and help increase productivity or facilitate marketing and sales.
Other rather important solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises are cloud backup and online storage. This is because, regardless of their size, companies today must manage an ever larger amount of data, and they must also do it securely.
In terms of security, it is also good to specify that a backup is not simply a synchronized folder. In fact, it often happens that online storage services are misunderstood and considered a backup method.
Professional tip: to protect your data you should have backup functions that allow you to restore everything you need to pick up where you left off before a data loss occurs.
Our advice is always to contact professionals not only for the purchase, but also for advice. In fact, the available solutions are manifold and offer functionality that may not be necessary. This is where a managed service provider (MSP) comes in, such as Secure Online Desktop. We can help you in choosing and setting up the ideal infrastructure for your specific case.
Why choose us
Small businesses are often challenged to understand and manage the complexity of IT systems, with the risk of finding themselves stuck because they are out of their knowledge. An MSP can help, thanks to the experience gained in the field. But it’s better if the company is local.
In fact, if it is true that small businesses can easily access many cloud solutions, adoption is not always easy. Being able to turn to professionals who are based in their own territory offers that additional level of tranquility for those who deal with local professionals. The initial setup, the specific choice of functionality and the initial size of the service, are all variables that are easily misrepresented by non-professionals.
An overview of the key solutions
The services we offer give greater value to small businesses. Not only because they are customized solutions, but also because we have clear what their needs will be in the future, thanks to our experience. We can therefore advise in advance how to move when the company starts to grow.
By contacting us, the customer will be able to concretely plan the growth of his company and infrastructure. Starting from the immediately necessary solutions, up to the planning of the specific ones based on the expected growth and possible unexpected events.
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Il cloud computing consente alle aziende di accedere a server, archivi, database e servizi aggiuntivi (applicativi), tramite piani di abbonamento flessibili. Ad oggi il cloud e’ onnipresente. Gia’ dal 2009, piu’ del 90% delle aziende utilizza almeno una applicazione basata sul cloud computing per gestire dati aziendali in modo sicuro. Inoltre, un numero sempre maggiore di aziende e organizzazioni non ospita piu’ un’infrastruttura, ma si appoggia ai fornitori di servizi cloud del loro territorio. Potersi confrontare con una realta’ che usa il proprio linguaggio e’ quasi sempre un valore aggiunto.
Ragioni principali per scegliere soluzioni in cloud computing
Scegliendo il provider di servizi adeguato, le aziende possono concentrarsi sullo sviluppo dei loro prodotti invece che sulla manutenzione delle infrastrutture necessarie. Si evitano cosi’ dei costi, sia economici che temporali. I provider di soluzioni cloud offrono un canone mensile per l’uso dei loro servizi. L’infrastruttura, la sua manutenzione, le licenze e tutti i requisiti aggiuntivi sono a carico del fornitore.
Un altro aspetto importante e’ che l’utilizzo di questi servizi online non richiede grandi competenze informatiche. Le piccole e medie imprese possono ottenere tutti i vantaggi di una rete aziendale completa, senza l’onere dell’acquisto di materiali e assunzione di personale. Il cloud computing viene in soccorso in queste situazioni, insieme al supporto tecnico che puo’ essere necessario.
Questi servizi online sono altamente scalabili. Ogni volta che si presenta la necessita’ di ingrandire o ridurre la propria rete, i servizi in cloud computing si adattano all’esigenza automaticamente oppure cambiando piano di abbonamento. Conseguenza della scalabilita’, e’ la flessibilita’. Il cloud facilita la connessione di collaboratori esterni e l’accesso a tutti i servizi necessari. Tramite questi servizi online non e’ difficile organizzarsi in telelavoro.
Altro fattore a favore dei servizi basati sul cloud computing e’ la sicurezza. Giustamente, molti utenti si preoccupano per la sicurezza dei propri dati. Per questi e’ importante sapere che i fornitori di servizi in cloud computing affidabili, come Secure Online Desktop, considerano la sicurezza una parte cruciale del loro modello di business.
Ecco perche’, al giorno d’oggi, la questione non e’ se scegliere o meno una piattaforma cloud, ma piuttosto quale fornitore tra i tanti disponibili. Come vedremo tra poco, i nostri servizi web con base a Reggio Emilia, offrono tutte queste caratteristiche e sono frutto di molti anni di esperienza.
Come scegliere il giusto servizio di cloud computing
Siamo consapevoli del fatto che scegliere il fornitore migliore e’ un compito impegnativo. Sul mercato ce ne sono tanti e le loro caratteristiche sembrano tutte uguali. La decisione giusta deriva dalla combinazione di analisi approfondite dei requisiti aziendali specifici, delle aspettative minime e la valutazione dei fornitori in termini di caratteristiche, prezzi, reputazione, sicurezza e altri fattori.
Abbiamo raccolto alcuni aspetti importanti per la scelta.
Tecnologie e supporto
La giusta piattaforma di cloud computing, le sue architetture, gli standard e il servizio devono essere allineati al vostro attuale ambiente tecnico, ai carichi di lavoro e alle preferenze di gestione. Prima di scegliere un fornitore, dovreste valutare di quanta ricodifica e altri aggiustamenti avrebbe bisogno l’intero processo nel caso che un fornitore offra supporto e assistenza per la migrazione.
I servizi online offerti da SOD offrono soluzioni per ogni situazione, in modo da ridurre la necessita’ di personalizzazione e poter usufruire subito appieno dei nostri servizi web.
Sicurezza dei dati
Assicuratevi che il fornitore scelto soddisfi i rigidi standard di sicurezza e la consideri una priorita’ assoluta. Verificate sempre se sono conformi a standard e che le loro certificazioni siano valide. Anche l’ubicazione del server e’ importante in quanto possono essere applicate diverse leggi locali e si deve essere sicuri al 100% di avere il controllo sulla giurisdizione in cui i dati vengono memorizzati, elaborati e gestiti.
I nostri servizi online hanno sede a Reggio Emilia e i dati sono ubicati a Milano, nel datacenter vicino al MIX (Milan Internet eXchange).
Partner e integrazioni
Quando si sceglie il fornitore di servizi in cloud computing, si dovrebbe pensare in termini di ecosistemi, non di singolo prodotto. Come un’azienda digitale utilizza vari strumenti che fanno parte del loro ecosistema, questo non e’ diverso in termini di provider di servizi in cloud. Essi hanno spesso una rete di partner tecnologici ed e’ consigliabile conoscerli in anticipo e assicurarsi che siano affidabili e fidati.
Puoi trovare i partner di Secure Online Desktop sul sito e scoprirai la loro validita’ e affidabilita’.
Profilo dell’azienda
E’ sempre consigliabile lavorare con un’azienda che abbia una buona reputazione e una storia di stabilita’. Fondamentale e’ anche che non abbia precedenti di problemi legali o di violazione dei dati. Dovrebbe anche essere in una posizione finanziaria sana e gestita da manager esperti.
Scopri la nostra storia e valuta tu stesso. I nostri servizi online sono sul mercato da molti anni e sono migliorati nel tempo, abbiamo stretto partnership importanti e oggi possiamo vantare clienti internazionali.
Servizi online Reggio Emilia
I nostri uffici operativi si trovano a Reggio Emilia, in via Bernardino Zacchetti 6. Abbiamo a cuore il nostro territorio e pensiamo che sia per i nostri clienti connazionali un valore aggiunto potersi relazionare con noi in italiano.
Se e’ vero che l’inglese e’ ormai diffuso in ambito IT, e’ anche vero che parlare con degli esperti nella propria lingua e’ un fattore importante per sentirsi ulteriormente sicuri con il servizio acquistato.
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When you approach the world of the network in a professional way, whether it is a site, an online app, a storage system or a VPS, it is quite clear that the management of computer systems requires specific skills that are not always available . So how do you make your company competitive on the network without having specific resources for IT infrastructure management? Contact a Managed Service Provider to use its services.
What is a Managed Service Provider?
A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a company that remotely manages a customer’s IT infrastructure and/or its systems. Today, the terms “Cloud Service Provider” and “Managed Service Provider” are sometimes used interchangeably.
The main customers of these companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, which have limited resources to invest in IT management. The main advantage of the customer is to delegate the maintenance of the management of IT systems to an external body.
The economic savings, in terms of personnel, is certainly attractive. Furthermore, many MSPs guarantee a high quality standard and minimum performance thresholds for the services offered. In this way, an infrastructure that is always functional and available is guaranteed, with dedicated professional assistance.
Our services
Secure Online Desktop is an MSP capable of offering services and applications through private or public networks to interested companies and individuals.
This means, in practice, that our customers’ data is always accessible from the network. The services are offered with the SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) formula and respond to various types of needs.
Through our products it is possible to store data online (ownCloud), use virtual servers (VPS and SuperCloud) and also make video conferences simply via browser (Cloud Conference).
The most obvious advantages are in terms of cost, scalability and accessibility.
Contacting an MSP offers a number of advantages in economic and technical terms. The first aspect to be taken into consideration is the decidedly less onerous economic impact of the purchase of dedicated machines and the relative staff. This, however, is only one of the advantages offered by a cloud service provider.
Economic advantages
- Reduction of initial fixed costs
- no installation of dedicated software, servers or other hardware. By relying on an external service, the Managed Service Provider will take care of the installation and all maintenance of the infrastructure. The customer can feel comfortable and use the services without worries.
- Reduced investment required
- the payment of a service through MSP is typically monthly, which allows you to dilute the expense over time. In addition, there is no initial expense for hardware installation nor the need to open an internal IT department.
- Flexibility without compromise
- it is possible to increase or decrease the available resources to adapt to the needs and optimize the economic investment. The calculation needs may change over time, an MSP allows you to adapt your service according to these.
- Focus on your business
- by leaving the management of IT systems to the service provider, you save maintenance time, being able to devote time to your core business. Time savings, although not immediately quantifiable, turn into a huge advantage, being able to concentrate at best and without worries.
Technical advantages
- Accessibility
- The services of an MSP can be reached from any device from any place where an internet connection is available.
- Security
- Customer data is kept and protected by the provider, which often offers additional protection mechanisms, such as redundant infrastructure, firewalls and backups. Although not taken for granted and often offered as an additional package, the security offered by a Managed Service Provider has the advantage of being managed by those who designed and installed the infrastructure itself.
- Scalability
- As mentioned earlier, the services are scalable in terms of allocated computing power, so as to dynamically manage the resources used.
Relying on a Managed Service Provider offers significant advantages in corporate IT management. The economic and temporal savings are evident and allow the efficient development of your business, without having to deal with hardware to be replaced or updated and software to be configured.
SOD offers advantageous solutions for the management of infrastructures, even complex ones, with an eye towards safety and stability of use. You can find our services here on the site, or write to us for advice, we will be happy to help you.
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