Public Cloud Reggio Emilia

public cloud reggio emilia

Public cloud Reggio Emilia, the offer of the Public Cloud in Reggio Emilia of the Secure Online Desktop.

The Public Cloud or Public Cloud is one of the models of cloud computing, where a Service Provider (or Cloud Provider in this case) makes publicly available on the Internet resources such as applications and storage.

Public Cloud Reggio Emilia

Some of the main advantages of using a public cloud service are:

   ♦ A simple and economical setup as the hardware, applications and costs of the band are covered by the Cloud provider.
   ♦ Scalable: the public cloud service adapts to business needs by providing the possibility to increase and decrease (even automatically thanks to self-scaling) hardware resources.
   ♦ No waste of resources in this you only pay for what you use.
   ♦ No contract: The public cloud usage model implies that only the resources used will be paid when it is needed without the obligation of any contract that restricts their use.
   ♦ Low costs: the shared infrastructure inherent in the public cloud involves a considerable economic advantage as it is possible for the Cloud Provider to contain costs and offer its services at an advantageous price for customers.
   ♦ The hardare is transparent: the customer does not need to have particular hardware skills and must not make complex choices or configurations, the Cloud Provider will manage these aspects. In this way, even realities without specific skills in Information Technology can use Cloud services without dedicating internal resources.


A Gartner research shows how public cloud computing provides scalability and elasticity capabilities as a service to external customers using Internet technologies. For example, public cloud computing leverages cloud technologies to provide support to customers outside the company organization.

The use of public cloud services feeds the type of economies of sharing resources that can significantly reduce costs and increase the choice of technologies. In this way, many companies (even partners or connected to each other) can use the same services sharing the technologies and physical architectures.

The public cloud offer in Reggio Emilia of the Secure Online Desktop meets the requirements of the public cloud.

Check out the Cloud Server

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Useful links:


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IaaS | Cloud | Infrastructure as a Service

Public Cloud


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