BaaS with Veeam Cloud Connect
Veeam 2017 Availability Report
3 Steps To Avoid $21.8M In Downtime Costs
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Examining the real world impacts when service Availability goals are not met.
Veeam® commissioned ESG to survey over 1,000 global IT decision makers to better understand the protection, recovery, and Availability challenges they are facing today.
Overall results were surprising – demonstrating a startling amount of unreliably recoverable data present within their organizations. Key findings included:
- 82% of enterprises are facing a gap between user demand and what IT can deliver, or an ‘Availability Gap’
- This gap results in unplanned downtime costs averaging $21.8 million per year which
- Stifles innovation, as 66% of enterprises admit that digital transformation initiatives are being held back by unplanned downtime.
Results also showed there was a 36% increase in YoY incidents, reflecting the problem is only getting worse. Organizations can no longer afford to delay and must work to accelerate their planning and implementation of modern Availability solutions to ensure reliable and rapid recovery.
The big question is – what can your organization afford to lose?
Veeam 2017 Availability Report
Download the full report to learn the three key critical steps every organization needs to take to ensure the viability of their IT systems and evolve into an Always-On Enterprise™.
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