Build VPS, networks and interconnected between them.
You can buy all the resources for your servers at once and use them to create more servers within the user area. For example, you can buy 4 CPU, 4GB RAM and 40Gb hard disk to create 4 VPS, simply change the setting of the configurator below by moving the corresponding controls.
Calculate the CostRich Control panel
In addition to the function of the cloud server you can control networks:
- Create/destroy new VM
- Upgrade/downgrade resources
- Full VM control: start, stop, rebuild, scale, access console, etc
- VM Network control: manage IPs, edit firewall rules
- VM storage control: manage disks, backups
- Manage public and private networks
- Manage private address pool
Cloud Server vs SuperCloud
With Cloud Server you can create a Virtual Private Server in Cloud with an Operating system of your choice, the VPS will have a IP address and you can reach it from Internet. With SuperCloud you can build a Local Area Network (LAN) with server VPS, some could be public and some private, it is up to you.
With Cloud Dashboard you can see the list of servers in your SuperCloud, the overview of each servers and the related networks.

How does it Work?
With SuperCloud you can create a network of servers with public and private addresses.
Create in minutes all VPS complete operating system thanks to the numerous Linux and Windows images available in the control panel. Each server will have two networks interfaces, one public and one private.
Suits your needs the VPS at any time, by increasing or reducing the resources available from the control panel or from your Mac, PC or mobile. Make some public servers, some of border and other completely private.
VPS Pricing
- VPS Size M
IaaS Public Cloud
- /Month 2.99
- 1024MB RAM
- 2 CPU
- 40 GB Raid 10 HD
- Unlimited Transfer
- 1 Public IPv4
- Sign Up
- VPS Size L
IaaS Public Cloud
- /Month 9.99
- 2048MB RAM
- 4 CPUr
- 80 GB Raid 10 HD
- Unlimited Transfer
- 1 Public IPv4
- Sign Up
- VPS Size XL
IaaS Public Cloud
- /Month 19.99
- 4096MB RAM
- 8 CPU
- 160 GB Raid 10 HD
- Unlimited Transfer
- 1 Public IPv4
- Sign Up
- VPS Size XXL
IaaS Public Cloud
- /Month 49.99
- 8192MB RAM
- 16 CPU
- 320 GB Raid 10 HD
- Unlimited Transfer
- 1 Public IPv4
- Sign Up
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