Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Virtual Private Server (VPS) – Coupon code 70% discount
The first 100 users will receive a coupon with 70% discount on annual subscriptions of VPS:
- VPS M = $ 42.41 instead of $ 141.36
- VPS L = $ 84.86 instead of $ 282.86
- VPS XL = $ 169.76 instead of $ 565.86
- VPS XL = $ 424.47 instead of $ 1,414.87
To take advantage of the promotion, follow these steps:
- 1) Go to http://www.cyberfero.com/VPS.html
- 2) Select a VPS between M, L, XL and XXL
- 3) Select the billing cycle per year
- 4) Enter the following coupon code: D5HHXCXNYCTX
The offer will expire May 31, 2013
Only for the first 100 users!
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